What Others are Saying

Life Changing for a Teenager
“I wanted to thank you for everything that you have done for me, i cannot even imagine what my life would be like if i had never met you. You have helped me change my life in a way that i did not believe could be possible. I cannot thank you enough for guiding me towards the confidence that i did not know i had and helping me understand how to cope with any situation that life may bring me. After my sessions with you i feel as if i can accomplish anything without feeling self-conscious or worried about what other people may think. I did not realize how much the quality of my life could improve and that i could change the way i think and feel. You have helped me become the person that i have always wanted to be and for that i am forever grateful.”
Susannah Walsh, Age 16
"Fantastic" Transition to Secondary School
“Hi Kevin,
I thought I’d give you an update on my grandson Thomas. We came to see you last August. Thomas was to start his high school in the September and was really lacking in confidence. I was really worried he wouldn’t cope, but after seeing you he came away a different boy. He started his new school and after a few upsets to start with he’s never looked back. We’ve had two fantastic parents evenings, every teacher has told us what a good, pleasant, confident hard worker he is. We owe this to you Kevin, without your help I don’t know how things would have been. Can’t thank you enough. All good wishes for the future.”
Liz Heggs, Grandmother of Thomas, Age 11
Nightmares, Self-Harming and Anger – Gone
Our once happy 16-year-old son had turned into a dark, angry, self-harming, lying, stealing, argumentative person we no longer recognised. He could not sleep from nightmares most nights and was suffering from self-loathing and low self-esteem. His school grades were way below any hope of getting into the universities he aspired to. We tried two psychiatrists, two psychologists and one counsellor – but ended up frustrated with the approach of these “specialists” who were costing a fortune and not helping. Then I found Kevin. It’s now been almost a year since our son first had his meeting with Kevin and they’ve now had 10 sessions in total. He’s still a teenager but the nightmares are gone, his self-confidence is improving, the self-harm has stopped and the anger and argumentative behaviour has gone. Not to mention the praise from his teachers for his massive improvement in grades and attitude. A sense of calm has again come back to the house, and we have Kevin to thank for this. I would not hesitate in recommending Kevin to anyone, he has returned our boy/young man to us again.
Theresa, mother of George, age 17
Happiness and Confidence in 7 Year Old
“It has been a little over two months since we met with you and I wanted to give you an update on where we are at. Since meeting with you Jacob is a different child. He is happy and confident – and when he isn’t sure about something he asks for or agrees to use the techniques you taught us. He went into Year 3 the day after meeting with you and it has by far been his most successful school year to date. He has been the class leader in learning his multiplication tables, after having a lot of difficulty in maths in Year 2, and routinely gets a perfect score in his bi-weekly maths tests. Jacob is relaxed, confident and happy. He has joined teams in rugby and hockey and has gone from strength to strength – and what would have in the past been full of apprehension and avoidance he has tackled head on. Jacob has a new “can do” attitude and is having a great time in everything he does! Many thanks.”
Susie Church, mother of Jacob, age 7
Standing Up For Herself
Hi Kevin,
Further to the Zoom session you had with Chloe last week I wanted to give you an update. Chloe did have an incident this week where she decided to stand up to Imogen. Predictably, Imogen cried and then gathered people around her to sympathise, who then of course looked to the source of her distress i.e. Chloe. Imogen also told a teacher. This would usually really bother Chloe because it’s when all the others get involved and potentially turn on her for ‘making Imogen cry’ that puts her off standing up for herself. However, when one of the girls said ‘you should probably stop talking now Chloe, you’re making Imogen cry’ Chloe said ‘Imogen cries all the time anyway, so what’s the difference now!’
Chloe was not bothered by their reaction and she said to me ‘it had to be said’. She is definitely feeling much stronger in herself, and we have had no incidences at all of her coming home distressed by friend situations. When something does happen it tends to be minor and doesn’t seem to bother her. She is not alone at break times any more, she had a play date this week with the girl who she had thought was out of reach socially (she invited Chloe), and is generally more relaxed and happy in groups.
Amanda, mother to Chloe, age 10
Peak Performance in Sports
“Since working with Sky High Confidence I have experienced greater levels of confidence and clarity than I previously knew existed. This has had a big positive impact on how I feel and on how I perform. Before a game I am now relaxed and can easily focus solely on the positives of my own ability, which means I go onto the pitch feeling 100% ready. As a direct result of this and other things Kevin has done, I am clearer and more proactive during the game, which has enhanced my ability to anticipate and to make things happen. For me, this is the key to performing at my peak. I am happy to recommend Kevin to anyone.”
David Flatman, Rugby Union International, Bath and England
"Incredible Change" Says Teacher
Hi Kevin
We have just received Viraj’s report from school, and this comment from his tutor speak volumes: “The change in Viraj over the past couple of months has been incredible. Now he is more talkative and in continuous contact with his peers at the school as well as always willing to help and be productive in tutor time when asked. Viraj is extremely polite, helpful and mature, which makes him a popular as well as respected member of my tutor group. He is quiet, but shows initiative when it is required. I truly enjoy having Viraj in my tutor group and talking to him.”
Thank you!
Meera, mother of Viraj, age 14
Lifelong Self-Esteem and Relief from Back Pain
“Before I came to you I’d spent much of my life wearing a mask, feeling nervous and living in fear. I worried about the smallest things, let everyone else dump their stuff onto me and was even anxious about getting the bus into town or going to see friends on the train.
“Now, just one month later, I feel transformed. I’m standing up for myself at work and with my family. I’m travelling around and enjoying it. I have a wonderful amount of energy now, combined with a real inner calmness. I get up feeling so happy, and these days every morning is a good one. I feel strong and confident, terrific and whole, as if the confident person who’s been trapped inside crying to be noticed for so long, has now been freed.
“On top of all that, for years I had held so much tension in my back that it would spasm and I’d spend days in bed taking pain killers. But now that I’ve changed how I feel inside, my back problems have completely disappeared! To feel this good in such a short time is truly remarkable.”
ST, Parent
Confidence and Happiness Back
I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all your help with Emma. I know you have one more session to do at some point, but already the difference in her is amazing. She’s happy, working hard, not worrying if her results aren’t as good as they should be but learning from it instead. She has her confidence and happiness back, which was of course was the main objective, and it is down to your input.
Elizabeth, mother of Emma, age 16
Calm and Empowered
“Hi Kevin,
I wanted to give you an update on how things are continuing to improve since coming to see you. Well, firstly, my presentation/workshop to my team went amazingly well! The nice but strange bit was just how calm I was beforehand, this would’ve had me in a real panic before coming to see you. Honestly, I felt as if I had done the workshop a hundred times, the staff loved it, got lots out of it and I could’ve gone on all day.
I came to see you initially because despite the success I was seeing in my business, I was continuing to experience frustration, anxiety and irrational fears in lots of situations which were beginning to have a seriously negative impact both socially and professionally. The techniques you taught me and the knowledge you imparted has seen those thought patterns subside to be replaced with something much more proactive and empowering!
As you know I am an avid student on the personal development circuit, the latest jaunt was Tony Robbins’ Date with Destiny in Bali earlier this year. It was a very intense and challenging seminar and, as much as I got out of this event, it would be absolutely true to say that I experienced more of a change in mindset from my work with you than the week spent in Bali with Tony Robbins. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you once again.”
Adam R., CEO
Teenager Back to His Happy Self
“Hello Kevin,
I just wanted to say “thank you” for helping Tom over these past couple of months. The change in him is really brilliant to see, he has lost all the darkness that had been around him and is now back to his old chatty, funny, positive self. It is such a relief to me as his Mum to see him more confident and happier again and I’m so glad that Mike [Tom’s Dad] went ahead with meeting up with you. Whatever you have said to Tom has had a really positive effect on him. His school work has improved too, from being put down a set in maths last year he is now back in top set and third in the class and is working hard. He is nice to be around again and if we have to ‘have words’ then it no longer ends up with shouting. I hope he can take this with him now and use it whenever he feels he needs to throughout his life. Thanks so much again, you managed to help when both myself and Mike really didn’t know how to.”
Kelly, Mother of Tom, Age 14
Personal Happiness
“Despite my outward financial and career success, l came to you because I still felt fear at a certain level, like something was missing on the inside, and that somehow as a person I was not quite good enough. I am delighted to say that as a result of what we did certain negative thoughts, feelings and states of mind that I used to live with regularly – habitually even – have now simply gone. And they have not come back! I do not have those negative feelings any more.
Instead I am able to handle and transcend challenges which previously were huge hurdles for me. I am stronger and more resourceful in high pressure situations. I am more tolerant, and at the same time less affected by the opinions and prejudices of others. I am a happier person, more relaxed, and even my attitudes and beliefs about money and my personal wealth have changed for the better. If someone wants to be more successful AND feel clearer and better on the inside, I recommend they contact you.”
Grant Morrison, Investment Analyst, Goldman Sachs
Far Happier, No More Bullying
“Hi Kevin,
Many thanks for all the sessions you have given Andrew.
Generally, he seems in a much happier place than he was. He has a wonderful sense of humour, and that has returned once again, as he lost it for a bit. And I don’t think things worry him as much as they did. He also seems more able to move onto new things without getting so worked up about the unknown, and is willing to give whatever it is a go.
And I come lastly (although it was the main reason for coming to you), to bullying at school. He has hardly mentioned it at all! And when he has, it has been how confident he feels about being who he is, and dealing with the situation confidently, and feeling good about it afterwards!
Many thanks again,”
Margaret, Mother of Andrew, Age 13
Further Update…
“Hello Kevin,
Thankyou for everything 3 years ago, a few months after the coaching I made many new friends, and last summer I went to a couple of cosplay meets in london with my friends and met even more people! I can’t thank you enough for it all, it has made a huge impact on my life! Thankyou!”
Andrew, Now 15
Social and Business Confidence
“I worked my way up from the shop floor age 18, to become Managing Director of the group 4 years ago. During this time I noticed that as I moved higher in my career, my confidence got lower, and in my 30’s I actually had a few panic attacks in business meetings and started to dread board meetings and customer visits and meals out with clients. This also affected my private life as I dreaded social gatherings and weddings and would basically just not go to these events. At work as MD I got around the problem by sending managers to the meetings, but this year I decided to do something about it and booked in to see Kevin. Since then I have attended meetings with no problem whatsoever, I’ve also been out to a few lunches and have enjoyed the experience, and socially I am doing things I would never have done before – and I’m doing them easily. I’d previously tried a course of hypnotherapy and other treatments, and none of them had made any difference. I would recommend anyone in a similar situation to do what I’ve done. I let it run my life for years and wish I’d done something sooner. I’m now looking forward to pushing my business hard and enjoying it instead of dreading it.”
John Richards, Managing Director
Fake Self to Real Self
I came to see you so that I could learn how to be myself and understand that people can like you for who you are, not who you pretend to be. You were like working with a great friend, an open and honest person who you confide in and trust! I now have a job as an outdoor instructor and work with about 20 people from all over the world and they all like me for me, whereas before I wouldn’t be myself I would be an actor, a surreal figure! Anyone in the situation where lying is second nature and you have an identity you live under, just take a deep breath and seek help from those who know you and can offer you it! I couldn’t have been happier when I lifted up my cloak. Thanks Luke.
Luke, age 17
Academic AND Social Transformation
Dear Kevin
I’ve waited till now to give my feedback to the work you did with Bimal as I wanted some tangible results to share with you and make observations over time that were measurable and progressive and not merely subjective. So here goes… approximately 6 months after the last session which was mind changing for all of us, the changes and shifts in Bimal’s behaviour have been very noticeable and positive, I am pleased to say he is becoming a far more confident person and proud of his school work – his end of year 10 results were truly fantastic, achieving 3 A* and an A in his weakest subjects (sciences) and 92% in maths which he had previously given-up on. On a social front, his level of interaction with adults has improved and seems far more comfortable in the company of friends and family.
We are extremely happy and proud with the progress he has made and thanks to you, he is now realising the potential we know he has.”
Atma, Father of Bimal, Age 15
Further update…
We received Bimal’s GCSE exam results a couple of weeks ago and we are very pleased with the outcome – he received 5 A* and 4 A grades, a clean sweep!. The A* were in maths and all the sciences – the subjects he had previously given up on before we received your help. The change has been measurable and sustainable and thanks again for the guidance you provided.
He has now definitely turned the corner and even decided with confidence to pick A-level maths which further underlines his ability to make his own decisions and move forwards.”

Confidence and Friendship at School
“Since our sessions started I am a lot more popular at school, everyone is friendlier to me and I am a lot more confident and relaxed. It’s really great.”
Toby, Age 12
“Thank you for everything over the last few months. Toby is now much calmer and happier and by giving him the tools to deal with various feelings and situations he is much more in control. I would also like to say how very much Toby enjoyed his sessions with you, he really looked forward to them and returned from them so buoyed.”
Joanna, Mother of Toby
Big Turnaround for 10 Year Old Boy
“Dear KEVIN Since our meetings I have become more confident and I stand up to the bullies at school. One of them has even now become my friend. Im doing very well with my work at school and preparing for my 11+ for next year. My mum shouts a lot less at me.The technique really helped me and I felt calm and relaxed when I did it. To all those people who will go to Kevin, I’m confident he will help you. Thank you Kevin! you were a great help not just to me but to my mum too. THANK YOU!!!.”
Omar, age 10
“Dear Kevin
I first contacted you as I had some concerns about my son’s confidence and the effect this had on his school work and getting on in general with his peers. I’m pleased to say that both his teachers and myself have seen a significant change in Omar’s attitude and approach to challenges. My son got a lot out of the sessions. He was able to express his feelings, understand that he is not always at fault and does not have to be perfect.
My son is a much happier child who despite many challenges in his life no longer blames himself for every little thing. This was achieved with your help. My son and I found the exercises very helpful and have used them together to address some unresolved issues.
I do really appreciate your help with my son and I hope his confidence will go stronger and stronger.
Many thanks,”
Mina, Omar’s Mum
Big Strides, Personally and Professionally
“Just to let you know that I am fantastic and taking on the world. I am moving forward both in my career and in my personal life and I can only attribute this to the help I got from you.
Well, I do get nervous and anxious from time to time – but now I know how to handle it. I have the feeling for 5 seconds or so and then just move past it and carry on with what I was going to do or say. Whereas before I would hesitate and freeze without doing or saying anything.
Thank you so much for everything!”
Julian Barker, IT Professional
More Confidence and Achievement in 11 Year Old Boy
“Hi Kevin,
Sorry I did not write early, it is always so busy.
James has now finished with the sessions, I personally think this has helped him tremendously, he is definitely more confident and his academic results are really good. I was worried back in September, his behaviour was not going in the right direction but it is all gone now, he is such a happy & new confident James.
Thank you”
Salèha Pinhorn, Mother of James
Freedom After 30 Years
“When I contacted Kevin I was in a desperate state. I wasn’t sleeping, eating, answering the phone, the door or going out. This was all due to having obsessive negative thoughts and feelings which I have lived with for 30 years. I knew I couldn’t carry on in this way so I contacted Kevin in hope that he could help me. Well, did he help me, even after my first session I felt a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. After only 5 sessions with Kevin I am a different person, the person I’ve always wanted to be, someone who can cope with the things life throws at them. I now look at life with a positive attitude and the confidence that when I do have negative thoughts (which I still do from time to time) I have the techniques that Kevin has taught me to deal with them and I feel certain that in time they will go away forever. Not only has Kevin helped me but also my family. They can see the difference he has made to me and so they have gone from being very worried to very happy. I would not hesitate at all in recommending Kevin to anyone, he doesn’t judge and is very caring and will do absolutely anything he can to help you. I am forever in his debt.”
Romanna Lea, Housewife, Mother and Shop Worker
Far, Far Happier at School
“Kevin has helped me to be able to continue through to a new school without worry and complete numerous tests without thinking about the results being bad. I feel that if I would have not met Kevin I would have struggled through the rest of my school years. I’m glad I met Kevin.”
Sam, Age 13
“My son Sam was struggling to cope with his daily life. We would spend time every night discussing his ‘worries’, he was putting pressure on himself to achieve success in school, he had problems with friendships and sports. His confidence and self-esteem was very low and I was becoming concerned as he grew increasingly anxious. Although I tried to help him I knew he really needed to speak to someone else. I tried speaking to our Doctor and getting some advice but this wasn’t enough.
I contacted Kevin and after our initial appointment I felt relieved, I could see Sam didn’t seem as anxious. Sam looked forward to his appointments with Kevin, he didn’t discuss them with me but he didn’t have to as he always came away with a smile. It has been reassuring knowing Kevin has been there, he has had an enormous affect on Sam. I know he will miss his appointments.
Sam is a different child he has a more positive attitude his confidence and self-esteem has increased greatly. Although I know he will have his ups and downs I feel reassured he has the ability to cope with whatever comes his way.
I would certainly recommend Kevin, as he has had a positive effect on both myself and Sam. I will always be grateful for his advice and guidance but most of all for making my son happy again.”
Karen Wilkinson, Learning Support Assistant and Sam’s Mum
From Downward Spiral to Ever-Upward Spiral
“I came to the coaching feeling extremely low, seeing an uncertain future, and stuck in a downward spiral of negative thinking and under-performance. But thanks to Kevin, all that changed in just a few short weeks. The simple but extremely powerful tools which he has given me mean I feel good about myself, I believe in myself, and I stay that way even when the pressure is on. It’s like I’m listening to a different soundtrack, and it’s playing automatically – so I feel good without even thinking about it! As a direct consequence, I now take things in my stride where before I would have crumpled. I have given briefings to senior business and government figures, and done so with confidence and ease. I have upped my game at work – and my level of enjoyment – in all manner of ways. And I have just won a scholarship for my forthcoming MBA programme. None of this would have happened if I’d carried on the way I was going. Now the future is compelling and attractive. In my view, the things Kevin does enable you to achieve exponential results, in an extremely short space of time. Sometimes in life you make the right decision, and I’m so glad, when I look back now to the time when I was weighing up whether to do this or not, that I did make the right decision, to take this step forward.”
Chris Sutherland, Head of Marketing
Confidence with Friends and Trying New Things
“I brought Haris (age 9) to you because I was at the end of my tether with worry. He was desperately unhappy at school, scared to try new things, and couldn’t get along with any of the kids in his class.
Since he saw you all that has changed. Now he is popular with the other kids and I often see them waiting for him at the school gate to walk into school together. His school work has improved and he’s far happier in himself. He recently put himself forward as a Road Safety Officer at school and had to speak on stage in assembly. Afterwards the Headteacher came to me with this huge grin on her face, saying how much he has changed, how proud she is of him, how confidently he comes across now, and how good he is with the other kids.
You have turned my son’s life around for him and I am very, very grateful for that. Plus it was obvious to me that for you it wasn’t about the money – you really wanted to help Haris. It was worth every penny and I am very lucky that I found you.”
Alesha Khan, Mother of Haris, age 9
Feeling Fully Alive
“Hi Kevin,
Firstly I would like to thank you once again for guiding me to letting myself know “WHO I TRULY AM”. It is with no doubt that the power of your teachings are effective once I allowed myself to be open to it. I was always in a state of sleepwalk. Not being fully ‘AWARE’ of my surroundings, even to the effect that it felt like I did not feel any pain. Years would pass by and I would think of small incidents that happened in my life and beat myself up for it. I used to wake up every morning not wanting to do anything, not feeling comfortable in my own skin.
Now I can’t wait to get up and enjoy what life has to offer. It seemed as if I went through life with a not so clear pair of shades on and after seeing you its like my vision is in HIGH DEFINITION quality. My focus and goals in life are extremely clear, my calmness is way beyond what I could ever imagine and my appreciation for life is absolutely PHENOMENAL. I can now truly experience the quote: ‘Life is what you make of it.’ I would recommend anyone to Kevin who feels the need of a joyful and fulfilling life.”
Fawaaz Jones, Student
Life Changing Confidence
“Before seeing Kevin, I had little confidence generally and quite low self esteem. Many people said they thought I was confident, but it was all a façade. Inside, I was like the proverbial swan – swimming serenely on the surface, no worries – but with feet paddling madly in circles under the water and panicking! I had even been prescribed Prozac, which helped a little but was never going to be a lasting solution. I wanted to be able to not worry what people thought of me or feel judged, either for my actions, what clothes I wore or in fact any life choices I made. To be able to stand up and make a statement or deal with a situation and not feel worried for days afterwards. Now, through seeing Kevin I feel I have grown and truly become the person I wanted to be, totally happy with myself, having the confidence to speak out and no longer made to ‘feel’ anything I don’t want to. The exercises and processes he has walked me through have given me the abilities to deal with even the most challenging of situations. All this has naturally made a great difference to my life, in all sorts of wonderful ways.”
Terina Worrall, Dental Practice Manager
Further update…
“Hi Kevin, Just to keep you updated 18 months on. Can’t believe it was that long ago! Anyway bit of feedback – life going well generally, positive attitude at work, good results, I am feeling so much better. Comments received from both people I do know and also those I have never met before! Such as how confident and strong I seem to them! (some men I notice really like this!!!) I feel so much more in control of my life in every way possible and have to say Thanks Kevin – it’s onwards and upwards! I am looking forward to this year! Regards, Terina”
From the Father of a 16 Year Old Girl
Dear Kevin
I am sending you this testimonial because I feel compelled to, and indeed honour bound to.
When I contacted you I was as very worried about my sixteen year old daughter and her lack of confidence and ability to make friends. You will remember I was also a little sceptical as to whether you would be able to achieve anything.
Well here I am just a few short months later and I am writing to thank you for the most profound change. To say that this change that has turned my daughter’s life around would not be an over statement.
By way of background to anyone that may read this, my daughter Eleanor is the product of a top girls school and approx. £120k of school fees so far. But she was terribly lacking in confidence. I contacted Kevin when she ended up in tears after a Young Farmers event when she felt unable to take part in a group game due to nerves. All of the investment in her education was in effect wasted as she did not have the basic skills to cope with life.
I don’t know what Kevin has done. Eleanor will not discuss what skills she has learned from him. But I do know it is magical. From the time she came back from her first session, the difference has been simply staggering.
From having no real friends she now has a circle of many, and it is expanding all the time. She recently felt able to apply for a little job and got the job at interview. In this job she models clothes in a top up-market store and serves customers. In the pre-Christmas run-up she was the top sales person in her department – selling £15k worth of jumpers in one 6 hour shift. Before working with Kevin she would have been nervous to have even purchased a jumper from the store in question.
How would I sum up what Kevin does?
Simple. Kevin changes lives.
Not just the person that is trained, but by osmosis the lives of others around that person.
The best money I have ever spent on my daughter has been spent with Kevin. Definitely. I only wish I had found Kevin years ago.
To anyone that is reading this wondering if they should take the “risk” then I would simply say “do it”. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. When I look at my daughter now I am often reminded of a phrase that Kevin used in an email to me when I first contacted him. In it he spoke of hoping to achieve a “happy and confident Eleanor”. That is exactly what he helped to create.
So that’s it. To conclude I can really only say THANK YOU KEVIN. I owe you big time.
Mark Sear, Father of Eleanor, age 16
Smoking and Pain of Loss
“I came to you to stop smoking and yes, I’ve done that successfully. But the best thing is that I’ve also got so much more out of seeing you. I’d had counselling years ago after a traumatic event but it hadn’t made any difference, and I’d been stuck in the same place ever since. You have helped me let go of the grief I’d carried all that time, and now my approach to life has changed. I’ve left behind a weight of things which are outside of my control and am facing forward and feeling positive, lighter and happier. I’m still me, just more sure of myself. Plus my asthma has improved as an extra added bonus! I’m very happy that I suspended my scepticism and disbelief and went to you, and I’m amazed at how easy all this has been. I’ve been recommending you to everyone. Many, many thanks.”
Tabitha Stewart, Nurse
Happy and Now Has Friends
Tom is doing amazingly well. He has loads of friends, is out all the time, is happy, he really seems to have found his lane. They have sleepovers at each other’s houses, go out for food together and play football. I really cannot describe how different and happier our lives are now that Tom is happy and has friends. It really is the best gift ever and contacting you and making that leap of faith really did pay off for us. I cannot thank you enough for what you have done. I actually feel very emotional about it.
Phoebe, mother of Tom, age 11

Transformation for a 15 Year Old Girl
“Before I spoke with Kevin I felt insecure about the way I looked and had a very low self esteem. However, since working with an experienced confidence coach I feel transformed.
My main objective was to become a more confident person and say and do what I wanted rather than always holding back. Kevin showed me how to address my fears and problems by advising me on several helpful techniques and making me think more positively when I was faced with a situation that I found emotionally challenging. For instance, before I met Kevin I hated putting my hand up in class, it scared me and, as a result, I would hardly participate as I was constantly hesitant and preoccupied with what others might think of me. Kevin showed me the source of this fear, that I was scared of being the centre of attention and because I thought negatively of my personality and appearance I did not want to draw attention to myself. Now I am able to conquer most things that I probably would have never done without Kevin; he has even helped with my fear of spiders! Not only have I noticed a difference in myself but so have the people around me. Nowadays, I feel so much happier with both my looks and my character.
Confidence is such a beautiful thing because, once acquired, you have the ability to walk into a room and allow it to radiate off you, reflecting on the people around you. To me, that is one of the loveliest feelings there could ever be and I hope that it stays with me forever. Thank you Kevin☺”
Caitlin O’Connell, Age 15
From Worn Down to Self Assured
“During my review in work, I was discussing my performance with my boss and the fact that I didn’t feel I was contributing or delivering enough. The previous few years I had been through a divorce and lots of change, stress and pressure at work and although things had turned a corner, I was basically feeling worn down and worn out. I suggested that maybe I could do with some confidence coaching and to my surprise and delight my boss agreed.
Now, after seeing Kevin, I simply am more confident and self assured without having to try or work at it. My boss, colleagues, friends and family have noticed a big difference – in fact many close friends and family have said they are pleased to ‘have the real Sally back’.
I’d happily recommend Kevin to anyone feeling challenged, mentally exhausted and unable to find a way through. It was a pleasure to work with him and the experience has genuinely enhanced my quality of life.”
Sally Allan, Marketing Communications Manager, Regional Building Society
Further Update…
“Hi Kevin
I have just completed the paperwork for my half year review and I just want to say another really big ‘thank you’! Almost a year on from the coaching, the transformation in the way I think, behave and ultimately present myself is amazing – what shines through is a confidence in my ability and enthusiasm for my work that just wasn’t there a year ago.
What I find equally surprising is that this hasn’t been horribly hard work! It’s the result of a gradual and ongoing shift in my perspective, and although I came to you primarily concerned about work, I also feel happier and more positive about my life and relationships outside work as well.
Thank you again for support and guidance – I greatly appreciate and value the work that you do.
All the best,
Happier and Popular at School
I am delighted to tell you that Charlie has undergone a major transformation in the last two months (particularly, in the last month). He is much more confident – more so than he has ever been – and is now enjoying a fulfilling and very active social life. He has developed a number of existing friendships, has a new (and very lovely) ‘best’ friend and, in contrast to when I first contacted you last summer, always seems to be happily engaged with his friends and peers when I pick him up from school. Alongside these truly wonderful improvements in his social confidence, Charlie has also become much more comfortable and happy with who he is as a person. He is now proud of the fact that he is academic and, it appears, has earned himself a ‘cool’ reputation among his peers as an expert in Scratch (a coding programme) and a master of maths! Furthermore, now that he feels less pressured to excel in everything he does (sports, in particular) Charlie has also joined a local Judo club, signed himself up for table tennis club at school and taken up swimming again. He is thoroughly enjoying all of these extra activities and, as a result, is more open to trying out new things, both with me and his friends. Charlie is so much happier these days and is infinitely more relaxed around his peers. I, in turn, am worrying less about Charlie and am feeling much more relaxed about his transition to secondary school later this year. What an amazing change for both of us! We have discussed these recent improvements on a number of occasions and both agree that seeing you was the best decision ever. Despite being somewhat reticent during some of his sessions, Charlie has clearly taken on board what you have said to him – and is happy to admit this! – and knows he (or we) can use the exercises whenever he feels the need.
We are both so happy and cannot thank you enough. With very best wishes
Mia, mother of Charlie, age 11
Breaking Through Limitations
“Before seeing Kevin I felt I had exhausted most self-discovery avenues, and felt that my struggles and confidence problems were with me to stay! Gladly, I took the bold leap of faith in trying something different! I am not great at opening up to strangers and it takes time for me to build trust. Kevin made the experience feel ‘down to earth’ as we discussed my concerns very openly and light heartedly – with a few challenges along the way! Within 30 mins of the first session I had a breakthrough moment, discovering that I was more limited than I could have ever thought possible. The simple tool that Kevin introduced to me, and I hasten to add I challenged him on, eventually became logical. I realised that by looking at situations differently and challenging my thought processes, I began to feel empowered. I was able to manage my inner voice better, tell it to be quiet and I get on with what I wanted to accomplish. I feel I am on a journey to returning to the true person I used to be with less inhibitions, more energy, interest and passion. I, myself am on the path of becoming a Coach and found this beneficial to assist me in my journey. Thank you Kevin – definitely worthwhile!”
Kathy Ellis, Communications Manager, National Restaurant Chain
Making Friends and Even Enjoying Drama Class!
Kevin has made the world of difference to my son. Since Ben has been talking with Kevin he has transformed into a confident boy who no longer puts himself down constantly and who will now stand up for himself. Before meeting Kevin, Ben would never put himself forward at school or talk in front of his class but he has since made a speech, joined the school council and actually enjoys doing drama. His schoolwork has improved tremendously and his teachers have commented on the positive change in Ben.
Ben’s confidence and ability in sports has also increased which has led to more friendships outside his school circle. Kevin has given Ben the tools to deal with his emotions as of course he still has times when he gets down and angry at the world. I can never thank Kevin enough for all he has done and continues to do for Ben. Ben always looks forward to speaking with Kevin and we, as a family, have all learnt so much from this compassionate and inspiring man.
Helen, mother of Ben, age 12
Confidence at Interview
“Thanks to the things you did I was calm in the run up to the interview, and I felt relaxed and in control throughout the actual event, even when the tough questions came. The best feeling was walking out afterwards and knowing that I had done myself justice and had indeed said all the things that I’d actually wanted and planned to say. And yes, I got the job!”
John Marshall, Solicitor
Reduced Anxiety, Improved Performance
Before I worked with Kevin I used to stress and panic all the time about school exams and music performances. This affected me negatively in the exams I did, as I was not achieving my full potential. It was at times really holding me back and it was very frustrating. Similarly in sports, my hesitations and self-doubt reduced what I could bring to the game. This has all changed now since my excessive amount of worries and anxieties have gone. I can focus my mind better in exams and during my games. This in turn means that my performance in exams is far better and I contentiously achieve better grades that I could have imagined. Overall, I have become much more confident in my own potentials and this has not just helped me in my school life but also socially. I have become more outgoing and I am now able to have much better conversations with people that I have just met, especially with adults. A good example for this was during my recent interviews for a school application. I am really happy I did this work with Kevin, because although I didn’t notice the effects myself at first, the people around me had noticed the gradual changes in me.
Anna, age 14
Phobia of Heights
“You were brilliant. I’d tried before to get rid of my phobia of falling from heights, and it had just made it worse! But your confidence and caring meant I knew straight away that this would be different. And sure enough, in less than an hour my phobia of over 20 years was gone completely. I used to feel sick at even the thought of going near high edges, and now two weeks on I can lean out from balcony railings and feel absolutely fine. I’ve even been day-dreaming of bungee-jumping, which is a thought I would never have had before! Thank you.”
Jane Kitchen, Executive Coach
Academic, Sport and Social Success
Hi Kevin
Just dropping you an email to say a massive thank-you from both Maria and myself in helping Marco. I know your services are not cheap, however for us it was money well spent and worth every penny. The change that we have noticed in Marco is wonderful. He is a positive happy boy with confidence and developing into a lovely young man. He is excelling at school as well as in his chosen sport. He with your help has learnt to deal with people who in the past may of caused him discomfort. The great thing the other night I was watching him manipulating one of these negative people to his own ends at a training session who in the past caused him great stress. And this is not Marco being nasty or horrible towards them.
We would not hesitate to recommend your services.
Enzo & Maria, parents of Marco, age 13
Feeling Whole Inside
“Before we started I felt that I had been living a lie, like there was nothing inside, no person there. I was confident on the outside, but it all felt like a façade. Even all my achievements could not make me feel enough on the inside. We spent two hours together and as a result of that, combined with the short routines you gave me to do at home, I now feel whole, real on the inside and very comfortable with the true me. I am happier, more confident and thriving now, plus my relationship with my wife has improved enormously too as a direct result of our work. All in all this has matched my hopes and exceeded my expectations. Many thanks Kevin”
MF, International Training Consultant
Huge Leaps for 10 Year Old Boy
“I thought I’d give you an update on Daniel’s progress since you saw him just over a year ago.
As you probably remember Daniel was very resistant to receiving help. However, last year his progress was remarkable. He formed new friendships, and (without any prompting by us) took part in, and thoroughly enjoyed, extra-curricular music and drama. He continues to play tennis (which he had started a few months before his consultation) and has begun to compete in junior tournaments. He had an excellent year academically and impressed his teachers with his positive attitude. He has just started secondary school and seems to be settling in well. Regards, Carolyn”
Carolyn Peterson, Mother of Daniel, Age 10
Weight Lifted at School
Kevin I know I only updated you yesterday but just had to tell you about the most wonderful conversation I had with my daughter this evening, she says she doesn’t know what’s happening to her but she is changing, all the anxieties and fears are falling away and all of a sudden she finds herself putting her hand up in class to answer questions, she is joining in in group discussions in class and best of all when she came out of her last class before lunch today, the girls were waiting for her to come to lunch with them. It’s like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders, she is bright and cheery and talkative. Feels like we have most definitely turned a corner.
With best regards.
Carmen, mother of Trudy, age 15
Dyslexia - Gone
Jack is now in year 8 and in the two years since we saw you he has been moved up sets in many of his subjects and continues to be a very hardworking and conscientious young man. I also wanted to let you know how far he has come since we met.
He started year 3 (age 7) with a reading age of 4 years and 7 months, so 2.5 years behind his age. He has just been tested at school (age 12) and his reading comprehension is now an age equivalent of over 18 years 11 months, which is truly incredible. His reading speed is an age equivalent of 15 years 8 months, a truly staggering increase. We are all delighted and he has now, at my request, been removed from the Special Educational Needs register.
Sophie, SEN teacher and mother of Jack, age 12

Instant Public Speaking Confidence
Kevin Burch
Click to watch Kevin interviewed on "the male midlife crisis"
What Others are Saying

Life Changing for a Teenager
“I wanted to thank you for everything that you have done for me, i cannot even imagine what my life would be like if i had never met you. You have helped me change my life in a way that i did not believe could be possible. I cannot thank you enough for guiding me towards the confidence that i did not know i had and helping me understand how to cope with any situation that life may bring me. After my sessions with you i feel as if i can accomplish anything without feeling self-conscious or worried about what other people may think. I did not realize how much the quality of my life could improve and that i could change the way i think and feel. You have helped me become the person that i have always wanted to be and for that i am forever grateful.”
Susannah Walsh, Age 16
"Fantastic" Transition to Secondary School
“Hi Kevin,
I thought I’d give you an update on my grandson Thomas. We came to see you last August. Thomas was to start his high school in the September and was really lacking in confidence. I was really worried he wouldn’t cope, but after seeing you he came away a different boy. He started his new school and after a few upsets to start with he’s never looked back. We’ve had two fantastic parents evenings, every teacher has told us what a good, pleasant, confident hard worker he is. We owe this to you Kevin, without your help I don’t know how things would have been. Can’t thank you enough. All good wishes for the future.”
Liz Heggs, Grandmother of Thomas, Age 11
Nightmares, Self-Harming and Anger – Gone
Our once happy 16-year-old son had turned into a dark, angry, self-harming, lying, stealing, argumentative person we no longer recognised. He could not sleep from nightmares most nights and was suffering from self-loathing and low self-esteem. His school grades were way below any hope of getting into the universities he aspired to. We tried two psychiatrists, two psychologists and one counsellor – but ended up frustrated with the approach of these “specialists” who were costing a fortune and not helping. Then I found Kevin. It’s now been almost a year since our son first had his meeting with Kevin and they’ve now had 10 sessions in total. He’s still a teenager but the nightmares are gone, his self-confidence is improving, the self-harm has stopped and the anger and argumentative behaviour has gone. Not to mention the praise from his teachers for his massive improvement in grades and attitude. A sense of calm has again come back to the house, and we have Kevin to thank for this. I would not hesitate in recommending Kevin to anyone, he has returned our boy/young man to us again.
Theresa, mother of George, age 17
Happiness and Confidence in 7 Year Old
“It has been a little over two months since we met with you and I wanted to give you an update on where we are at. Since meeting with you Jacob is a different child. He is happy and confident – and when he isn’t sure about something he asks for or agrees to use the techniques you taught us. He went into Year 3 the day after meeting with you and it has by far been his most successful school year to date. He has been the class leader in learning his multiplication tables, after having a lot of difficulty in maths in Year 2, and routinely gets a perfect score in his bi-weekly maths tests. Jacob is relaxed, confident and happy. He has joined teams in rugby and hockey and has gone from strength to strength – and what would have in the past been full of apprehension and avoidance he has tackled head on. Jacob has a new “can do” attitude and is having a great time in everything he does! Many thanks.”
Susie Church, mother of Jacob, age 7
Standing Up For Herself
Hi Kevin,
Further to the Zoom session you had with Chloe last week I wanted to give you an update. Chloe did have an incident this week where she decided to stand up to Imogen. Predictably, Imogen cried and then gathered people around her to sympathise, who then of course looked to the source of her distress i.e. Chloe. Imogen also told a teacher. This would usually really bother Chloe because it’s when all the others get involved and potentially turn on her for ‘making Imogen cry’ that puts her off standing up for herself. However, when one of the girls said ‘you should probably stop talking now Chloe, you’re making Imogen cry’ Chloe said ‘Imogen cries all the time anyway, so what’s the difference now!’
Chloe was not bothered by their reaction and she said to me ‘it had to be said’. She is definitely feeling much stronger in herself, and we have had no incidences at all of her coming home distressed by friend situations. When something does happen it tends to be minor and doesn’t seem to bother her. She is not alone at break times any more, she had a play date this week with the girl who she had thought was out of reach socially (she invited Chloe), and is generally more relaxed and happy in groups.
Amanda, mother to Chloe, age 10
Peak Performance in Sports
“Since working with Sky High Confidence I have experienced greater levels of confidence and clarity than I previously knew existed. This has had a big positive impact on how I feel and on how I perform. Before a game I am now relaxed and can easily focus solely on the positives of my own ability, which means I go onto the pitch feeling 100% ready. As a direct result of this and other things Kevin has done, I am clearer and more proactive during the game, which has enhanced my ability to anticipate and to make things happen. For me, this is the key to performing at my peak. I am happy to recommend Kevin to anyone.”
David Flatman, Rugby Union International, Bath and England
"Incredible Change" Says Teacher
Hi Kevin
We have just received Viraj’s report from school, and this comment from his tutor speak volumes: “The change in Viraj over the past couple of months has been incredible. Now he is more talkative and in continuous contact with his peers at the school as well as always willing to help and be productive in tutor time when asked. Viraj is extremely polite, helpful and mature, which makes him a popular as well as respected member of my tutor group. He is quiet, but shows initiative when it is required. I truly enjoy having Viraj in my tutor group and talking to him.”
Thank you!
Meera, mother of Viraj, age 14
Lifelong Self-Esteem and Relief from Back Pain
“Before I came to you I’d spent much of my life wearing a mask, feeling nervous and living in fear. I worried about the smallest things, let everyone else dump their stuff onto me and was even anxious about getting the bus into town or going to see friends on the train.
“Now, just one month later, I feel transformed. I’m standing up for myself at work and with my family. I’m travelling around and enjoying it. I have a wonderful amount of energy now, combined with a real inner calmness. I get up feeling so happy, and these days every morning is a good one. I feel strong and confident, terrific and whole, as if the confident person who’s been trapped inside crying to be noticed for so long, has now been freed.
“On top of all that, for years I had held so much tension in my back that it would spasm and I’d spend days in bed taking pain killers. But now that I’ve changed how I feel inside, my back problems have completely disappeared! To feel this good in such a short time is truly remarkable.”
ST, Parent
Confidence and Happiness Back
I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all your help with Emma. I know you have one more session to do at some point, but already the difference in her is amazing. She’s happy, working hard, not worrying if her results aren’t as good as they should be but learning from it instead. She has her confidence and happiness back, which was of course was the main objective, and it is down to your input.
Elizabeth, mother of Emma, age 16
Calm and Empowered
“Hi Kevin,
I wanted to give you an update on how things are continuing to improve since coming to see you. Well, firstly, my presentation/workshop to my team went amazingly well! The nice but strange bit was just how calm I was beforehand, this would’ve had me in a real panic before coming to see you. Honestly, I felt as if I had done the workshop a hundred times, the staff loved it, got lots out of it and I could’ve gone on all day.
I came to see you initially because despite the success I was seeing in my business, I was continuing to experience frustration, anxiety and irrational fears in lots of situations which were beginning to have a seriously negative impact both socially and professionally. The techniques you taught me and the knowledge you imparted has seen those thought patterns subside to be replaced with something much more proactive and empowering!
As you know I am an avid student on the personal development circuit, the latest jaunt was Tony Robbins’ Date with Destiny in Bali earlier this year. It was a very intense and challenging seminar and, as much as I got out of this event, it would be absolutely true to say that I experienced more of a change in mindset from my work with you than the week spent in Bali with Tony Robbins. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you once again.”
Adam R., CEO
Teenager Back to His Happy Self
“Hello Kevin,
I just wanted to say “thank you” for helping Tom over these past couple of months. The change in him is really brilliant to see, he has lost all the darkness that had been around him and is now back to his old chatty, funny, positive self. It is such a relief to me as his Mum to see him more confident and happier again and I’m so glad that Mike [Tom’s Dad] went ahead with meeting up with you. Whatever you have said to Tom has had a really positive effect on him. His school work has improved too, from being put down a set in maths last year he is now back in top set and third in the class and is working hard. He is nice to be around again and if we have to ‘have words’ then it no longer ends up with shouting. I hope he can take this with him now and use it whenever he feels he needs to throughout his life. Thanks so much again, you managed to help when both myself and Mike really didn’t know how to.”
Kelly, Mother of Tom, Age 14
Personal Happiness
“Despite my outward financial and career success, l came to you because I still felt fear at a certain level, like something was missing on the inside, and that somehow as a person I was not quite good enough. I am delighted to say that as a result of what we did certain negative thoughts, feelings and states of mind that I used to live with regularly – habitually even – have now simply gone. And they have not come back! I do not have those negative feelings any more.
Instead I am able to handle and transcend challenges which previously were huge hurdles for me. I am stronger and more resourceful in high pressure situations. I am more tolerant, and at the same time less affected by the opinions and prejudices of others. I am a happier person, more relaxed, and even my attitudes and beliefs about money and my personal wealth have changed for the better. If someone wants to be more successful AND feel clearer and better on the inside, I recommend they contact you.”
Grant Morrison, Investment Analyst, Goldman Sachs
Far Happier, No More Bullying
“Hi Kevin,
Many thanks for all the sessions you have given Andrew.
Generally, he seems in a much happier place than he was. He has a wonderful sense of humour, and that has returned once again, as he lost it for a bit. And I don’t think things worry him as much as they did. He also seems more able to move onto new things without getting so worked up about the unknown, and is willing to give whatever it is a go.
And I come lastly (although it was the main reason for coming to you), to bullying at school. He has hardly mentioned it at all! And when he has, it has been how confident he feels about being who he is, and dealing with the situation confidently, and feeling good about it afterwards!
Many thanks again,”
Margaret, Mother of Andrew, Age 13
Further Update…
“Hello Kevin,
Thankyou for everything 3 years ago, a few months after the coaching I made many new friends, and last summer I went to a couple of cosplay meets in london with my friends and met even more people! I can’t thank you enough for it all, it has made a huge impact on my life! Thankyou!”
Andrew, Now 15
Social and Business Confidence
“I worked my way up from the shop floor age 18, to become Managing Director of the group 4 years ago. During this time I noticed that as I moved higher in my career, my confidence got lower, and in my 30’s I actually had a few panic attacks in business meetings and started to dread board meetings and customer visits and meals out with clients. This also affected my private life as I dreaded social gatherings and weddings and would basically just not go to these events. At work as MD I got around the problem by sending managers to the meetings, but this year I decided to do something about it and booked in to see Kevin. Since then I have attended meetings with no problem whatsoever, I’ve also been out to a few lunches and have enjoyed the experience, and socially I am doing things I would never have done before – and I’m doing them easily. I’d previously tried a course of hypnotherapy and other treatments, and none of them had made any difference. I would recommend anyone in a similar situation to do what I’ve done. I let it run my life for years and wish I’d done something sooner. I’m now looking forward to pushing my business hard and enjoying it instead of dreading it.”
John Richards, Managing Director
Fake Self to Real Self
I came to see you so that I could learn how to be myself and understand that people can like you for who you are, not who you pretend to be. You were like working with a great friend, an open and honest person who you confide in and trust! I now have a job as an outdoor instructor and work with about 20 people from all over the world and they all like me for me, whereas before I wouldn’t be myself I would be an actor, a surreal figure! Anyone in the situation where lying is second nature and you have an identity you live under, just take a deep breath and seek help from those who know you and can offer you it! I couldn’t have been happier when I lifted up my cloak. Thanks Luke.
Luke, age 17
Academic AND Social Transformation
Dear Kevin
I’ve waited till now to give my feedback to the work you did with Bimal as I wanted some tangible results to share with you and make observations over time that were measurable and progressive and not merely subjective. So here goes… approximately 6 months after the last session which was mind changing for all of us, the changes and shifts in Bimal’s behaviour have been very noticeable and positive, I am pleased to say he is becoming a far more confident person and proud of his school work – his end of year 10 results were truly fantastic, achieving 3 A* and an A in his weakest subjects (sciences) and 92% in maths which he had previously given-up on. On a social front, his level of interaction with adults has improved and seems far more comfortable in the company of friends and family.
We are extremely happy and proud with the progress he has made and thanks to you, he is now realising the potential we know he has.”
Atma, Father of Bimal, Age 15
Further update…
We received Bimal’s GCSE exam results a couple of weeks ago and we are very pleased with the outcome – he received 5 A* and 4 A grades, a clean sweep!. The A* were in maths and all the sciences – the subjects he had previously given up on before we received your help. The change has been measurable and sustainable and thanks again for the guidance you provided.
He has now definitely turned the corner and even decided with confidence to pick A-level maths which further underlines his ability to make his own decisions and move forwards.”

Confidence and Friendship at School
“Since our sessions started I am a lot more popular at school, everyone is friendlier to me and I am a lot more confident and relaxed. It’s really great.”
Toby, Age 12
“Thank you for everything over the last few months. Toby is now much calmer and happier and by giving him the tools to deal with various feelings and situations he is much more in control. I would also like to say how very much Toby enjoyed his sessions with you, he really looked forward to them and returned from them so buoyed.”
Joanna, Mother of Toby
Big Turnaround for 10 Year Old Boy
“Dear KEVIN Since our meetings I have become more confident and I stand up to the bullies at school. One of them has even now become my friend. Im doing very well with my work at school and preparing for my 11+ for next year. My mum shouts a lot less at me.The technique really helped me and I felt calm and relaxed when I did it. To all those people who will go to Kevin, I’m confident he will help you. Thank you Kevin! you were a great help not just to me but to my mum too. THANK YOU!!!.”
Omar, age 10
“Dear Kevin
I first contacted you as I had some concerns about my son’s confidence and the effect this had on his school work and getting on in general with his peers. I’m pleased to say that both his teachers and myself have seen a significant change in Omar’s attitude and approach to challenges. My son got a lot out of the sessions. He was able to express his feelings, understand that he is not always at fault and does not have to be perfect.
My son is a much happier child who despite many challenges in his life no longer blames himself for every little thing. This was achieved with your help. My son and I found the exercises very helpful and have used them together to address some unresolved issues.
I do really appreciate your help with my son and I hope his confidence will go stronger and stronger.
Many thanks,”
Mina, Omar’s Mum
Big Strides, Personally and Professionally
“Just to let you know that I am fantastic and taking on the world. I am moving forward both in my career and in my personal life and I can only attribute this to the help I got from you.
Well, I do get nervous and anxious from time to time – but now I know how to handle it. I have the feeling for 5 seconds or so and then just move past it and carry on with what I was going to do or say. Whereas before I would hesitate and freeze without doing or saying anything.
Thank you so much for everything!”
Julian Barker, IT Professional
More Confidence and Achievement in 11 Year Old Boy
“Hi Kevin,
Sorry I did not write early, it is always so busy.
James has now finished with the sessions, I personally think this has helped him tremendously, he is definitely more confident and his academic results are really good. I was worried back in September, his behaviour was not going in the right direction but it is all gone now, he is such a happy & new confident James.
Thank you”
Salèha Pinhorn, Mother of James
Freedom After 30 Years
“When I contacted Kevin I was in a desperate state. I wasn’t sleeping, eating, answering the phone, the door or going out. This was all due to having obsessive negative thoughts and feelings which I have lived with for 30 years. I knew I couldn’t carry on in this way so I contacted Kevin in hope that he could help me. Well, did he help me, even after my first session I felt a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. After only 5 sessions with Kevin I am a different person, the person I’ve always wanted to be, someone who can cope with the things life throws at them. I now look at life with a positive attitude and the confidence that when I do have negative thoughts (which I still do from time to time) I have the techniques that Kevin has taught me to deal with them and I feel certain that in time they will go away forever. Not only has Kevin helped me but also my family. They can see the difference he has made to me and so they have gone from being very worried to very happy. I would not hesitate at all in recommending Kevin to anyone, he doesn’t judge and is very caring and will do absolutely anything he can to help you. I am forever in his debt.”
Romanna Lea, Housewife, Mother and Shop Worker
Far, Far Happier at School
“Kevin has helped me to be able to continue through to a new school without worry and complete numerous tests without thinking about the results being bad. I feel that if I would have not met Kevin I would have struggled through the rest of my school years. I’m glad I met Kevin.”
Sam, Age 13
“My son Sam was struggling to cope with his daily life. We would spend time every night discussing his ‘worries’, he was putting pressure on himself to achieve success in school, he had problems with friendships and sports. His confidence and self-esteem was very low and I was becoming concerned as he grew increasingly anxious. Although I tried to help him I knew he really needed to speak to someone else. I tried speaking to our Doctor and getting some advice but this wasn’t enough.
I contacted Kevin and after our initial appointment I felt relieved, I could see Sam didn’t seem as anxious. Sam looked forward to his appointments with Kevin, he didn’t discuss them with me but he didn’t have to as he always came away with a smile. It has been reassuring knowing Kevin has been there, he has had an enormous affect on Sam. I know he will miss his appointments.
Sam is a different child he has a more positive attitude his confidence and self-esteem has increased greatly. Although I know he will have his ups and downs I feel reassured he has the ability to cope with whatever comes his way.
I would certainly recommend Kevin, as he has had a positive effect on both myself and Sam. I will always be grateful for his advice and guidance but most of all for making my son happy again.”
Karen Wilkinson, Learning Support Assistant and Sam’s Mum
From Downward Spiral to Ever-Upward Spiral
“I came to the coaching feeling extremely low, seeing an uncertain future, and stuck in a downward spiral of negative thinking and under-performance. But thanks to Kevin, all that changed in just a few short weeks. The simple but extremely powerful tools which he has given me mean I feel good about myself, I believe in myself, and I stay that way even when the pressure is on. It’s like I’m listening to a different soundtrack, and it’s playing automatically – so I feel good without even thinking about it! As a direct consequence, I now take things in my stride where before I would have crumpled. I have given briefings to senior business and government figures, and done so with confidence and ease. I have upped my game at work – and my level of enjoyment – in all manner of ways. And I have just won a scholarship for my forthcoming MBA programme. None of this would have happened if I’d carried on the way I was going. Now the future is compelling and attractive. In my view, the things Kevin does enable you to achieve exponential results, in an extremely short space of time. Sometimes in life you make the right decision, and I’m so glad, when I look back now to the time when I was weighing up whether to do this or not, that I did make the right decision, to take this step forward.”
Chris Sutherland, Head of Marketing
Confidence with Friends and Trying New Things
“I brought Haris (age 9) to you because I was at the end of my tether with worry. He was desperately unhappy at school, scared to try new things, and couldn’t get along with any of the kids in his class.
Since he saw you all that has changed. Now he is popular with the other kids and I often see them waiting for him at the school gate to walk into school together. His school work has improved and he’s far happier in himself. He recently put himself forward as a Road Safety Officer at school and had to speak on stage in assembly. Afterwards the Headteacher came to me with this huge grin on her face, saying how much he has changed, how proud she is of him, how confidently he comes across now, and how good he is with the other kids.
You have turned my son’s life around for him and I am very, very grateful for that. Plus it was obvious to me that for you it wasn’t about the money – you really wanted to help Haris. It was worth every penny and I am very lucky that I found you.”
Alesha Khan, Mother of Haris, age 9
Feeling Fully Alive
“Hi Kevin,
Firstly I would like to thank you once again for guiding me to letting myself know “WHO I TRULY AM”. It is with no doubt that the power of your teachings are effective once I allowed myself to be open to it. I was always in a state of sleepwalk. Not being fully ‘AWARE’ of my surroundings, even to the effect that it felt like I did not feel any pain. Years would pass by and I would think of small incidents that happened in my life and beat myself up for it. I used to wake up every morning not wanting to do anything, not feeling comfortable in my own skin.
Now I can’t wait to get up and enjoy what life has to offer. It seemed as if I went through life with a not so clear pair of shades on and after seeing you its like my vision is in HIGH DEFINITION quality. My focus and goals in life are extremely clear, my calmness is way beyond what I could ever imagine and my appreciation for life is absolutely PHENOMENAL. I can now truly experience the quote: ‘Life is what you make of it.’ I would recommend anyone to Kevin who feels the need of a joyful and fulfilling life.”
Fawaaz Jones, Student
Life Changing Confidence
“Before seeing Kevin, I had little confidence generally and quite low self esteem. Many people said they thought I was confident, but it was all a façade. Inside, I was like the proverbial swan – swimming serenely on the surface, no worries – but with feet paddling madly in circles under the water and panicking! I had even been prescribed Prozac, which helped a little but was never going to be a lasting solution. I wanted to be able to not worry what people thought of me or feel judged, either for my actions, what clothes I wore or in fact any life choices I made. To be able to stand up and make a statement or deal with a situation and not feel worried for days afterwards. Now, through seeing Kevin I feel I have grown and truly become the person I wanted to be, totally happy with myself, having the confidence to speak out and no longer made to ‘feel’ anything I don’t want to. The exercises and processes he has walked me through have given me the abilities to deal with even the most challenging of situations. All this has naturally made a great difference to my life, in all sorts of wonderful ways.”
Terina Worrall, Dental Practice Manager
Further update…
“Hi Kevin, Just to keep you updated 18 months on. Can’t believe it was that long ago! Anyway bit of feedback – life going well generally, positive attitude at work, good results, I am feeling so much better. Comments received from both people I do know and also those I have never met before! Such as how confident and strong I seem to them! (some men I notice really like this!!!) I feel so much more in control of my life in every way possible and have to say Thanks Kevin – it’s onwards and upwards! I am looking forward to this year! Regards, Terina”
From the Father of a 16 Year Old Girl
Dear Kevin
I am sending you this testimonial because I feel compelled to, and indeed honour bound to.
When I contacted you I was as very worried about my sixteen year old daughter and her lack of confidence and ability to make friends. You will remember I was also a little sceptical as to whether you would be able to achieve anything.
Well here I am just a few short months later and I am writing to thank you for the most profound change. To say that this change that has turned my daughter’s life around would not be an over statement.
By way of background to anyone that may read this, my daughter Eleanor is the product of a top girls school and approx. £120k of school fees so far. But she was terribly lacking in confidence. I contacted Kevin when she ended up in tears after a Young Farmers event when she felt unable to take part in a group game due to nerves. All of the investment in her education was in effect wasted as she did not have the basic skills to cope with life.
I don’t know what Kevin has done. Eleanor will not discuss what skills she has learned from him. But I do know it is magical. From the time she came back from her first session, the difference has been simply staggering.
From having no real friends she now has a circle of many, and it is expanding all the time. She recently felt able to apply for a little job and got the job at interview. In this job she models clothes in a top up-market store and serves customers. In the pre-Christmas run-up she was the top sales person in her department – selling £15k worth of jumpers in one 6 hour shift. Before working with Kevin she would have been nervous to have even purchased a jumper from the store in question.
How would I sum up what Kevin does?
Simple. Kevin changes lives.
Not just the person that is trained, but by osmosis the lives of others around that person.
The best money I have ever spent on my daughter has been spent with Kevin. Definitely. I only wish I had found Kevin years ago.
To anyone that is reading this wondering if they should take the “risk” then I would simply say “do it”. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. When I look at my daughter now I am often reminded of a phrase that Kevin used in an email to me when I first contacted him. In it he spoke of hoping to achieve a “happy and confident Eleanor”. That is exactly what he helped to create.
So that’s it. To conclude I can really only say THANK YOU KEVIN. I owe you big time.
Mark Sear, Father of Eleanor, age 16
Smoking and Pain of Loss
“I came to you to stop smoking and yes, I’ve done that successfully. But the best thing is that I’ve also got so much more out of seeing you. I’d had counselling years ago after a traumatic event but it hadn’t made any difference, and I’d been stuck in the same place ever since. You have helped me let go of the grief I’d carried all that time, and now my approach to life has changed. I’ve left behind a weight of things which are outside of my control and am facing forward and feeling positive, lighter and happier. I’m still me, just more sure of myself. Plus my asthma has improved as an extra added bonus! I’m very happy that I suspended my scepticism and disbelief and went to you, and I’m amazed at how easy all this has been. I’ve been recommending you to everyone. Many, many thanks.”
Tabitha Stewart, Nurse
Happy and Now Has Friends
Tom is doing amazingly well. He has loads of friends, is out all the time, is happy, he really seems to have found his lane. They have sleepovers at each other’s houses, go out for food together and play football. I really cannot describe how different and happier our lives are now that Tom is happy and has friends. It really is the best gift ever and contacting you and making that leap of faith really did pay off for us. I cannot thank you enough for what you have done. I actually feel very emotional about it.
Phoebe, mother of Tom, age 11

Transformation for a 15 Year Old Girl
“Before I spoke with Kevin I felt insecure about the way I looked and had a very low self esteem. However, since working with an experienced confidence coach I feel transformed.
My main objective was to become a more confident person and say and do what I wanted rather than always holding back. Kevin showed me how to address my fears and problems by advising me on several helpful techniques and making me think more positively when I was faced with a situation that I found emotionally challenging. For instance, before I met Kevin I hated putting my hand up in class, it scared me and, as a result, I would hardly participate as I was constantly hesitant and preoccupied with what others might think of me. Kevin showed me the source of this fear, that I was scared of being the centre of attention and because I thought negatively of my personality and appearance I did not want to draw attention to myself. Now I am able to conquer most things that I probably would have never done without Kevin; he has even helped with my fear of spiders! Not only have I noticed a difference in myself but so have the people around me. Nowadays, I feel so much happier with both my looks and my character.
Confidence is such a beautiful thing because, once acquired, you have the ability to walk into a room and allow it to radiate off you, reflecting on the people around you. To me, that is one of the loveliest feelings there could ever be and I hope that it stays with me forever. Thank you Kevin☺”
Caitlin O’Connell, Age 15
From Worn Down to Self Assured
“During my review in work, I was discussing my performance with my boss and the fact that I didn’t feel I was contributing or delivering enough. The previous few years I had been through a divorce and lots of change, stress and pressure at work and although things had turned a corner, I was basically feeling worn down and worn out. I suggested that maybe I could do with some confidence coaching and to my surprise and delight my boss agreed.
Now, after seeing Kevin, I simply am more confident and self assured without having to try or work at it. My boss, colleagues, friends and family have noticed a big difference – in fact many close friends and family have said they are pleased to ‘have the real Sally back’.
I’d happily recommend Kevin to anyone feeling challenged, mentally exhausted and unable to find a way through. It was a pleasure to work with him and the experience has genuinely enhanced my quality of life.”
Sally Allan, Marketing Communications Manager, Regional Building Society
Further Update…
“Hi Kevin
I have just completed the paperwork for my half year review and I just want to say another really big ‘thank you’! Almost a year on from the coaching, the transformation in the way I think, behave and ultimately present myself is amazing – what shines through is a confidence in my ability and enthusiasm for my work that just wasn’t there a year ago.
What I find equally surprising is that this hasn’t been horribly hard work! It’s the result of a gradual and ongoing shift in my perspective, and although I came to you primarily concerned about work, I also feel happier and more positive about my life and relationships outside work as well.
Thank you again for support and guidance – I greatly appreciate and value the work that you do.
All the best,
Happier and Popular at School
I am delighted to tell you that Charlie has undergone a major transformation in the last two months (particularly, in the last month). He is much more confident – more so than he has ever been – and is now enjoying a fulfilling and very active social life. He has developed a number of existing friendships, has a new (and very lovely) ‘best’ friend and, in contrast to when I first contacted you last summer, always seems to be happily engaged with his friends and peers when I pick him up from school. Alongside these truly wonderful improvements in his social confidence, Charlie has also become much more comfortable and happy with who he is as a person. He is now proud of the fact that he is academic and, it appears, has earned himself a ‘cool’ reputation among his peers as an expert in Scratch (a coding programme) and a master of maths! Furthermore, now that he feels less pressured to excel in everything he does (sports, in particular) Charlie has also joined a local Judo club, signed himself up for table tennis club at school and taken up swimming again. He is thoroughly enjoying all of these extra activities and, as a result, is more open to trying out new things, both with me and his friends. Charlie is so much happier these days and is infinitely more relaxed around his peers. I, in turn, am worrying less about Charlie and am feeling much more relaxed about his transition to secondary school later this year. What an amazing change for both of us! We have discussed these recent improvements on a number of occasions and both agree that seeing you was the best decision ever. Despite being somewhat reticent during some of his sessions, Charlie has clearly taken on board what you have said to him – and is happy to admit this! – and knows he (or we) can use the exercises whenever he feels the need.
We are both so happy and cannot thank you enough. With very best wishes
Mia, mother of Charlie, age 11
Breaking Through Limitations
“Before seeing Kevin I felt I had exhausted most self-discovery avenues, and felt that my struggles and confidence problems were with me to stay! Gladly, I took the bold leap of faith in trying something different! I am not great at opening up to strangers and it takes time for me to build trust. Kevin made the experience feel ‘down to earth’ as we discussed my concerns very openly and light heartedly – with a few challenges along the way! Within 30 mins of the first session I had a breakthrough moment, discovering that I was more limited than I could have ever thought possible. The simple tool that Kevin introduced to me, and I hasten to add I challenged him on, eventually became logical. I realised that by looking at situations differently and challenging my thought processes, I began to feel empowered. I was able to manage my inner voice better, tell it to be quiet and I get on with what I wanted to accomplish. I feel I am on a journey to returning to the true person I used to be with less inhibitions, more energy, interest and passion. I, myself am on the path of becoming a Coach and found this beneficial to assist me in my journey. Thank you Kevin – definitely worthwhile!”
Kathy Ellis, Communications Manager, National Restaurant Chain
Making Friends and Even Enjoying Drama Class!
Kevin has made the world of difference to my son. Since Ben has been talking with Kevin he has transformed into a confident boy who no longer puts himself down constantly and who will now stand up for himself. Before meeting Kevin, Ben would never put himself forward at school or talk in front of his class but he has since made a speech, joined the school council and actually enjoys doing drama. His schoolwork has improved tremendously and his teachers have commented on the positive change in Ben.
Ben’s confidence and ability in sports has also increased which has led to more friendships outside his school circle. Kevin has given Ben the tools to deal with his emotions as of course he still has times when he gets down and angry at the world. I can never thank Kevin enough for all he has done and continues to do for Ben. Ben always looks forward to speaking with Kevin and we, as a family, have all learnt so much from this compassionate and inspiring man.
Helen, mother of Ben, age 12
Confidence at Interview
“Thanks to the things you did I was calm in the run up to the interview, and I felt relaxed and in control throughout the actual event, even when the tough questions came. The best feeling was walking out afterwards and knowing that I had done myself justice and had indeed said all the things that I’d actually wanted and planned to say. And yes, I got the job!”
John Marshall, Solicitor
Reduced Anxiety, Improved Performance
Before I worked with Kevin I used to stress and panic all the time about school exams and music performances. This affected me negatively in the exams I did, as I was not achieving my full potential. It was at times really holding me back and it was very frustrating. Similarly in sports, my hesitations and self-doubt reduced what I could bring to the game. This has all changed now since my excessive amount of worries and anxieties have gone. I can focus my mind better in exams and during my games. This in turn means that my performance in exams is far better and I contentiously achieve better grades that I could have imagined. Overall, I have become much more confident in my own potentials and this has not just helped me in my school life but also socially. I have become more outgoing and I am now able to have much better conversations with people that I have just met, especially with adults. A good example for this was during my recent interviews for a school application. I am really happy I did this work with Kevin, because although I didn’t notice the effects myself at first, the people around me had noticed the gradual changes in me.
Anna, age 14
Phobia of Heights
“You were brilliant. I’d tried before to get rid of my phobia of falling from heights, and it had just made it worse! But your confidence and caring meant I knew straight away that this would be different. And sure enough, in less than an hour my phobia of over 20 years was gone completely. I used to feel sick at even the thought of going near high edges, and now two weeks on I can lean out from balcony railings and feel absolutely fine. I’ve even been day-dreaming of bungee-jumping, which is a thought I would never have had before! Thank you.”
Jane Kitchen, Executive Coach
Academic, Sport and Social Success
Hi Kevin
Just dropping you an email to say a massive thank-you from both Maria and myself in helping Marco. I know your services are not cheap, however for us it was money well spent and worth every penny. The change that we have noticed in Marco is wonderful. He is a positive happy boy with confidence and developing into a lovely young man. He is excelling at school as well as in his chosen sport. He with your help has learnt to deal with people who in the past may of caused him discomfort. The great thing the other night I was watching him manipulating one of these negative people to his own ends at a training session who in the past caused him great stress. And this is not Marco being nasty or horrible towards them.
We would not hesitate to recommend your services.
Enzo & Maria, parents of Marco, age 13
Feeling Whole Inside
“Before we started I felt that I had been living a lie, like there was nothing inside, no person there. I was confident on the outside, but it all felt like a façade. Even all my achievements could not make me feel enough on the inside. We spent two hours together and as a result of that, combined with the short routines you gave me to do at home, I now feel whole, real on the inside and very comfortable with the true me. I am happier, more confident and thriving now, plus my relationship with my wife has improved enormously too as a direct result of our work. All in all this has matched my hopes and exceeded my expectations. Many thanks Kevin”
MF, International Training Consultant
Huge Leaps for 10 Year Old Boy
“I thought I’d give you an update on Daniel’s progress since you saw him just over a year ago.
As you probably remember Daniel was very resistant to receiving help. However, last year his progress was remarkable. He formed new friendships, and (without any prompting by us) took part in, and thoroughly enjoyed, extra-curricular music and drama. He continues to play tennis (which he had started a few months before his consultation) and has begun to compete in junior tournaments. He had an excellent year academically and impressed his teachers with his positive attitude. He has just started secondary school and seems to be settling in well. Regards, Carolyn”
Carolyn Peterson, Mother of Daniel, Age 10
Weight Lifted at School
Kevin I know I only updated you yesterday but just had to tell you about the most wonderful conversation I had with my daughter this evening, she says she doesn’t know what’s happening to her but she is changing, all the anxieties and fears are falling away and all of a sudden she finds herself putting her hand up in class to answer questions, she is joining in in group discussions in class and best of all when she came out of her last class before lunch today, the girls were waiting for her to come to lunch with them. It’s like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders, she is bright and cheery and talkative. Feels like we have most definitely turned a corner.
With best regards.
Carmen, mother of Trudy, age 15
Dyslexia - Gone
Jack is now in year 8 and in the two years since we saw you he has been moved up sets in many of his subjects and continues to be a very hardworking and conscientious young man. I also wanted to let you know how far he has come since we met.
He started year 3 (age 7) with a reading age of 4 years and 7 months, so 2.5 years behind his age. He has just been tested at school (age 12) and his reading comprehension is now an age equivalent of over 18 years 11 months, which is truly incredible. His reading speed is an age equivalent of 15 years 8 months, a truly staggering increase. We are all delighted and he has now, at my request, been removed from the Special Educational Needs register.
Sophie, SEN teacher and mother of Jack, age 12

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Instant Public Speaking Confidence
Kevin Burch
Click to watch Kevin interviewed on "the male midlife crisis"
Instant Public Speaking Confidence
Kevin Burch